The Magic Spell Generator

Fun Magic Spells For All Your Needs!

Psychic projection failure? Need a magic spell? Now you can curse your neighbours, or bless the pigs! The magic spell generator is just for fun. Each click of the button generates a new magic spell with fairy tale ingredients to cook in your cauldron!

Magic Spell Ingredients:
Squished beard of snake
Fresh feet of locust
2 tsp desiccated tail of cow
A jelly mould of deadly nightshade gathered when kestrels gather in flocks
A bale of hailstones tickled at dawn
Magic Spell Method:
Steam in the cauldron over a low heat during a new moon.
Magic Spell Effects:
Induces politicians to howl at the moon, and makes all the crops turn into mice.

Copy and Paste Your Magic Spell into Your Blog

About The Magic Spell Generator

In these modern times, you no longer need to rely on the local witch to curse your enemies and solve your carbuncle problem. The magic spell generator creates and casts random magic spells with fairy tale ingredients to cook in your cauldron!

Unfortunately, the spells are rather more black magic than white magic, and can have terrible and hilarious consequences. But hey, nothing's perfect! Remember: if those psychic powers and voodoo rituals are failing you, fire your witch doctor and try a magic spell from us instead!

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